Reading books is one of the healthiest habit one can acquire in one’s life. As I pen down my thoughts in highlighting the importance of the power of reading books, I feel the more we read the more we get knowledge. There are different categories of books such as novels, fictions, stories, theories, philosophy, spiritual, psychology, mental health, magazines, autobiography and many more. Books help us to learn and gain more knowledge and information. We also get into new ideas and innovation. Reading books help to keep oneself healthy , wise and happy. Books keep our minds busy in an imaginative world. Reading books helps us to be more creative.
As we move on in our competitive world of digital media, the power of reading books has lost its value and our minds are left empty. We need to give room for more imagination and creativity. We are also losing the power of vocabulary, depth of knowledge and correct spellings .
Regular reading keeps our mind active, and reading books can helps us to remove our daily stress ,tiredness and create in us a relaxed mind and body .We need to update ourselves by spending time in reading books of great authors. When our minds are filled with healthy knowledge, we naturally tend to be healthier in all that we do, which includes our relationships, facing life’s challenges, balancing daily stress and tensions. Reading books also helps us to change our lives to be better persons today than we were yesterday.
” Keep Reading and Keep Growing “
By: Sandra Pinto (Class teacher: 5B Grade .)